Viettel ID Check

5 Lợi ích của việc sử dụng dịch vụ xác thực thông tin CCCD gắn chip

 09:03 03/03/2024

Dịch vụ xác thực thông tin CCCD gắn chip đang được ngày càng nhiều tổ chức, doanh nghiệp áp dụng. Đây là một giải pháp hiệu quả để nâng cao hiệu quả hoạt động, tiết kiệm chi phí và mang lại trải nghiệm tốt nhất cho khách hàng.

The chip-based Citizen ID Card information verification service is being applied by more and more organizations and businesses. This is an effective solution to improve operational efficiency, save costs, and bring the best experience to customers
Data Center Migration

Data Center Migration: Safe, Efficient with Viettel IDC

 22:57 23/02/2024

Viettel IDC provides a comprehensive DC migration solution to meet all business needs:
+ Full DC migration: Viettel IDC migrates the entire DC system, including infrastructure, equipment, software and data to a new location.
+ Partial DC migration: Viettel IDC migrates part of the DC system, such as migrating some servers or storage devices to a new location.
+ Migrating to Cloud infrastructure: Viettel IDC supports businesses in migrating their DC system to Cloud infrastructure, helping to save costs and improve operational efficiency.
TT du lieu lon nhat VN Viettel

Data Center Upgrade: Unleash Performance with Viettel IDC

 22:20 23/02/2024

Viettel IDC offers a variety of DC upgrade solutions to suit the specific needs of each enterprise:
+ Infrastructure upgrade: Viettel IDC provides services to upgrade DC infrastructure components such as: electrical system, ventilation and air conditioning system, rack server system, storage system, network system, etc.
+ Software upgrade: Viettel IDC provides services to upgrade DC management software such as: monitoring system, resource management system, automation system, security system, etc.
+ Operation procedure upgrade: Viettel IDC consults and supports businesses in upgrading DC operating procedures according to international standards, ensuring efficiency and safety.
Nhắn Zalo
Nhắn Zalo
Nhận ưu đãi
(+84) 36 965 7724
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